Sunday 15 April 2012

Extroducing One's Self

At the beginning of this semester, or this class rather, I was slightly boastful. Not in an outright disgusting way, but I must admit, I was kinda cocky. I've entitled this blog "Extroducing One's Self" (I know...not a word) because my first blog was "Introducing One's Self" and yes, as you may have already guessed, this is my last blog here....*teardop*
Nonetheless, I came here to finish basically with what I began..and that is to:
Rate myself as an effective communicator on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being ineffective and 10 being most effective.
I had started the semester saying "On a scale of 1-10, I think as a communicator, I'm a 9. No one wants to say a 10 because "Hey!", boasting isn't cool. I've been told I'm an excellent public speaker and I do well in circumstances requiring articulation, debate and intelligence. I'm able to communicate with others pretty well but no one is perfect. The non-verbal communication I exhibit like my facial expressions, or body language, or mere silence are all forms of communication, just negatively so. I suppose as the class goes on, my Communication Skills class that is, that I'll develop into a better communicator. Perhaps I'm nowhere near a 9 and by the end of the class I may achieve this or greater."
I now end the semester saying "On a scale of 1-10, I think as a communicator, I'm still a 9. Perhaps I shouldn't say 'still', because I know now what I did not know then. I was nowhere near a 9 earlier this semester. I was at most, a 6. I believe I've become more aware of the way in which I communicate with others, especially non-verbally. The saying 'Actions speak louder than words' now resonates in my everyday life. I realize that I was right by saying I was nowhere near a 9 and by this class' end, I really have achieved this (a 9 that is), and that to me, means greater."

God be with you
Jolyne Renelle Richard


1 comment:

  1. I guess after 3 years I'll be the first comment. Nice blog. I'm going to enjoy diving into these quirky depths. Thank you for the time & effort.
