Saturday, 4 February 2012

The Poetry Of Perception

Perception is the process of selectively attending to information and assigning meaning to it. It involves self concept and self esteem. I'm not the type of person to really talk about myself, but I guess I'm going to have to. I have to in one paragraph state how I perceive myself. This perception paragraph is going to be a breeze. I can feel it. I'm going to end up with 3 paragraphs. So here ends my introduction and my self-perception starts in 3...2...1...BLAST OFF:

I see myself through a glass darkly. What other people 'claim' to see, I don't. Like little things, like compliments. I don't believe them to be true. I don't think I strive at anything. I think compliments are for those who are at the top of their game. And I know I'm not on top of anything. Not on top of anyone's list, game, roll and or mind. You see, I dwell on the exterior because that's what people see. But really I focus on the interior because that's the truest me. I cope well with pressure and stress. My niche being procrastination and last minute projects.  I perceive myself to be a perfectionist, wanting everything to be in place. But I'm also a pessimist knowing that I'll never finish this race...of life...FIRST. I'm strong-willed, have a great sense of humour, intelligent too but I humble myself because I know my flaws exist. Do you?

Believe it or not, that was one of the most difficult things I've had to do. 3 paragraphs where? Pshh..I struggled to get 6 sentences( I bore in mind that a paragraph consists of 10 to 15 sentences). I got to state my perception. My feelings. My way...I wanted to end with a poem, that I wrote a while back. I never forgot it though and I think it fits in with this post:
TO BE THE BEST by Jolyne Richard
The best person it's true I want to be;
I can strive and strive to the best of my ability;
But let's face it, though I'm a go-getter;
I'll keep striving and striving but there'll always be someone better;
A smart person, but not the smartest in the world;
A pretty lady, but not the most gorgeous of girls;
A lover of God, but not the greatest lover;
A kind-hearted human, but not the best to my fellow brothers;
And oddly, I'm okay with that;
The following I realize are the facts;
Though I'll never be the best, at EVERYTHING you see;
I'll do what I know I do best, that best is being ME!

Rainbows and Sunshine till we meet again

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