Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Introducing One's Self

The name? Jolyne Richard
The age? 16, believe it or not.
I am a second semester freshman at the University of the Southern Caribbean and I'm pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in the field of Biology.
I'm what we classify as a tall one, 6 feet tall to be exact. Seeing as I've been this height since I was 11, I have my share of insecurities. Teenage plague right?  I'm "shabbin" or light skinned if you want the correct term. I hail from the isle of Tobago, a lovely island in the Caribbean that has been deemed the Capital of Paradise/ The 8th Wonder of the World. Through these veins run the crimson red blood of a Haitian native. You see, both of my parents are Haitian yet I cant speak a stitch of French. Life..huh? I love to laugh, have fun, make new friends, love Maths and shopping. I can play the guitar. I like to sing. And recently? I'm loving art and fashion. Hence the name of my blog. The whole idea of shoes and skirts and dresses and dressing up and accessories...equals to ECSTASY!!
I'm kinda doing this blog for a course I have this semester, Communication Skills, but I sort of like expressing my feelings this way. For now at least! We'll have to tune in for more 'deets'. On a scale of 1-10, I think as a communicator, I'm a 9. No one wants to say a 10 because "Hey!", boasting isn't cool. I've been told I'm an excellent public speaker and I do well in circumstances requiring articulation, debate and intelligence. I'm able to communicate with others pretty well but no one is perfect. The non-verbal communication I exhibit like my facial expressions, or body language, or mere silence are all forms of communication, just negatively so. I suppose as the class goes on, my Communication Skills class that is, that I'll develop into a better communicator. Perhaps I'm nowhere near a 9 and by the end of the class I may achieve this or greater. Till then, stay tuned, stay sweet, be fashionable and go with God.

Till we meet again